
Need a CRM strategy? Here’s how you create one

Henry Ford once says, “It’s not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It is the customer who pays the wages”. And he’s not wrong building good relationships with customers is the foundation for success.

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The pivotal role of cellular connectivity in university digital transformation

Higher educational establishments know all too well that cellular coverage on campus needs to evolve with current and future demand because Wi-Fi only systems don’t meet all connectivity requirements. Students

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Why edge requires a new approach to your IT

The promise of edge technology’s ultra-low latency, reduced load on bandwidth capacity, real-time decision making, and ultra-reliable intelligent operations would make any CIO sit up and take notice. In fact,

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SMBs require a solutions-based saviour, but here’s why CSPs must act fast to take the title

The pandemic has had a lasting impact on all businesses, and in particular, the SMB market (99% of all global businesses) which is focused on accelerating its digital transformation journey

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No more fun in the sun

Giffgaff and Tesco Mobile have become the latest in a barrage of UK mobile network operators (MNOs) and mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) to reintroduce roaming changes. For the average

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Thriving in the 5G era: Unravelling the potential of 5G connectivity for enterprises

As consumer demand rises, and network availability expands, 5G is becoming more viable for widespread use by 2027 it’s expected to cover 75% of the world’s population. However, it’s still

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Monetising the metaverse with billing fit for the future

According to Nick Clegg, Meta’s president of global affairs, the “metaverse is coming, one way or another.” Judging by the string of significant acquisitions made with the metaverse in mind

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The winners of this year’s fibre broadband race will share a culture of innovation

When the coronavirus pandemic hit a few years ago it fundamentally changed the way people will live and work for decades to come. One of these changes was that many

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Buzz or bust? Overcoming the barriers to metaverse success

Online spaces where people can socialise, work and play as avatars are dominating discussions surrounding the future of technology and the way we communicate. Recent research from Amdocs supports this

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The missing link in Industry 4.0’s connectivity chain

Industry 4.0 has been well and truly explosive for the last decade, and its growth doesn’t seem to be stopping. The Global System for Mobile Communication Association (GSMA) predicts that,

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