How CSPs can combat fraud with AI and machine learning

As smartphone technology has advanced over time, the variety of telecoms fraud schemes targeting networks and customers has also expanded. In the early days, telecoms fraud involved threat actors exploiting

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BT’s Digital Voice to rollout across Yorkshire, the Humber

BT, a provider of telecommunications services, has announced plans to roll out its new home phone service, Digital Voice, on a region-by-region basis. Having started in the East Midlands, BT is now

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Never underestimate the power of identity 

Without question, the power of the digital economy permeates nearly everything we do. Evolving well beyond eCommerce and mBanking, the connected society includes social media, video subscriptions, file sharing, ride

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The 19th century called, it wants its phone system back

Recent Ofcom (UK communications regulator) data found that if business landline numbers continue to drop at their current rate, they will be all but extinct within just six years. But would this

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TerraPay and bux partner to launch mobile app based cross border money transfers to India

TerraPay, announced that it has partnered with bux, a mobile app money transfer service, to launch anywhere, anytime instant cross border money transfers from Australia, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom

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