The weird and wonderful world of wearables

No-one seems to know about wearables. One minute we hear that the first wave of wearables is wearing thin, the next that they are the next big thing. Maybe the

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Why do we refuse to do anything practical about customer service?

There seem to be a spate of stories about bad customer service at the moment. Perhaps, it is just that we have had a really bad experience ourselves and therefore

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Beacon technology is clever, but let’s use it wisely

News that Citibank is rolling out Beacon technology should fill us with joy and hope for a better future. That this announcement almost certainly means that others will follow suit should

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Zuckerberg, Google, 5G and the battle for Africa

It is as if Mark Zuckerberg cannot help himself. He is nice to the communications industry one moment, and then has a swipe at it the next.

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